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Midjourney generierte Bilder

Create an image of a young woman with curly, shoulder-length hair and a cheerful smile. She is seated at a modern desk in a well-lit room, in front of a large computer screen. She is dressed in a casual pink t-shirt and a prominent necklace. There’s a coffee cup on the desk beside her, and she appears to be working or browsing the internet as she looks at the screen. The background is blurred to keep the focus on the woman.

Create an image of a young woman with curly, shoulder-length hair and a cheerful smile. She is seated at a modern desk in a well-lit room, in front of a large computer screen. She is dressed in a casual pink t-shirt and a prominent necklace. There’s a coffee cup on the desk beside her, and she appears to be working or browsing the internet as she looks at the screen. The background is blurred to keep the focus on the woman.